About Me
My name is Geraldine (Geri) Cadet and I am currently a Research Coordinator for Dr. Justin Parent's Child and Family Well-being (CFW) Lab at Florida International University (FIU) Center for Children and Families (CCF). When I created this website I was senior studying psychology at FIU. Since then I have graduated from FIU as a World's Ahead Graduate and McNair Fellow, and have worked at The Barnyard Community Center, the ASPIRES Lab at FIU CCF, and am at my current position now as a Coordinator for CFW at CCF. My time in India will always be the highlight of my undergraduate career at FIU. Feel free to roam through my website and read the thoughts I had in 2017 in addition to the amazing experiences I was able to be a part of!
Spending the summer in a foreign country may seem frightening to some, to me it sounds like a research dream. Experiencing other cultures is a lesson that cannot be taught but can only be acquired through experience. Being able to gain education through experiencing and understanding different people and cultures is what has inspired me to study abroad.
Before applying to the 2017 Department of Psychology Global Health Study Abroad Program I was not familiar with the Indian culture. I knew strictly what I saw on TV which was limited to Bollywood dance, yoga, and henna tattoos. After applying and getting accepted into the Global Health Program I made sure to do my research. In the midst of the beautiful traditional clothing and the emphasis on Ayurvedic medicine, I found many disparities within the culture that are not as common in the United States. These disparities included illiteracy, extreme poverty, child labor, and violence against women. As I dug deeper into these issues I knew I wanted to learn more about these issues, which led me to my research topic, parental behavior beliefs.
During my time at the Public Health Research Institute of India, I researched how Indian mothers perceive children with disruptive behaviors with a focus on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
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